Introduce to meditation

How to use meditation to heal

What is Meditation:

Focused concentration, relaxation, and obtaining mental clarity are all components of the all-encompassing practice of meditation. Its major goal is to promote inner tranquillity, self-awareness, and mental health. People usually select a comfortable seated or lying-down posture, close their eyes, and perform a variety of mental activities during meditation, such as deep breathing, mantra repetition, or envisioning serene scenery. It helps to enhance balance and mental clarity while helping you establish a calm place inside of yourself.

"Buddha in Meditation !!" by Priyam. n is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

For several reasons, meditation is thought to be advantageous, and its favourable benefits on physical, mental, and emotional well-being have been extensively researched and documented. The following are some of the main benefits of meditation:

1. Stress Reduction: A strong tool for stress management is meditation. It aids in triggering the relaxation response in the body, which lowers the synthesis of stress chemicals like cortisol. A relaxed and calmer state of mind might result from consistent practice.


Meditation student and master © 2023 by  Tuan Anh Nguyen is licensed underAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International 

2. Improved Concentration and Focus: Meditation includes teaching the mind to be focused and present in the moment. 

3. Better Sleep: Numerous meditators claim to have better sleep habits. By soothing the mind, it can aid in the treatment of insomnia and encourage deeper, more restful sleep.

    "Sleeping with Bo" by Joi is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Here is a video to learn about meditation for beginners.

    YouTube. (2021a, October 30). “how to meditate” for beginners | sadhguru. YouTube. 


  1. Fascinating post. I hope to cultivate an ability to meditate and this is a nice reminder that I must make the time!


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